Are We Seeing the Death of Traditional SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been at the forefront of online marketing for nearly two decades now. Despite regular Google updates, some big, some small, SEO hasn’t really changed. The fundamentals have stayed constant throughout: Getting Indexed, providing high quality content and strong link building. There have been a few permutations over the years, and Google wises up to ‘black hat’ approaches at some point. most of the time.


SEO marketers have to face the challenge of not simply understanding the complexities behind the algorithms,  but also to be able to adapt to the constant updates and changes. SEO companies as seen in this article offer a particular SEO service which does well with local clients looking for local traffic. Even at a local scale, updates in algorithms have seen the rise in importance of reviews. Strong Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) reviews have proved a dependable method of boosting  local rankings over the past few years, but more recently SEO has changed in three key areas:

Rise of Voice Search and What it Means for SEO


In 2015, voice search rocketed from 0% to 10% of overall global search volume, equation to 50 billion voice searches  performed every month. With the likes of Google launching its Google Assistant and Google Home, Apple with Siri, Microsoft with Cortana, and of course Amazon with the pack leader – Alexa, how we search has changed and continues to change.

The sharp increase of voice search would not be possible without the rise of mobile devices as smartphones are the source of most internet searches. The demand and the technology are now aligned to make voice search ‘a thing’ on a global scale. How this affects SEO remains to be seen. It’s early days yet. However, what we do know is that the game is changing to voice search and companies will need to react sooner rather than later.

Another key area which suggests that SEO is not dead, but just needs a tweak is in having the site  mobile friendly. Google is reacting to the increased reliance of mobile devices and SEO strategies will have to reflect this.

Lastly, machine learning or Artificial intelligence, first introduced by Rankbrain in 2015, is slowly but steadily creeping further into SEO. By the end of 2018, it has been predicted that AI will have a greater influence over traditional SEO. It is predicted to eventually replace algorithm updates altogether.

The long short of it is that traditional SEO is not dead, the fundamentals stay the same. However, the continuous tweaks, advancements in technology and changing habits, mean we all have to stay on the ball.

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